

The Academy of Finland (Research Council for Culture and Society)


Key Researchers

Raul Castano de la Rosa, Sofie Pelsmakers

Partner: Southeast University (SEU), led by Professor Shi-Jie Cao, director of 'Center for Intelligent Built Environment, CIBE' at School of ArchitectureSoutheast University


Intelligent monitoring, digital operation and maintenance of green buildings towards carbon-neutral societies. Academy of Finland funded project for mobility cooperation between Tampere University and Southeast University in China funded by the Academy of Finland (Research Council for Culture and Society).

DIGI4GREEN aims to tackle the challenges of climate change and carbon emission by combining green building operation and maintenance phase (such as improvement of environment satisfaction, equipment control, etc.) with Internet of Things (IoT) and digital technology for a whole chain of intelligent operation and maintenance system of green public buildings. This project will promote the rapid development of green building platforms, such as building information model (BIM) for nZEB performance assessment, further providing assistance to achieve the goal of sustainable development and carbon neutrality in the building field
The DIGI4GREEN two main objectives are to:

  • Build a digital platform integrating monitoring, evaluation and visualization parts, providing new ideas for intelligent monitoring, and operation and maintenance of green buildings.

  • Build a real-time synchronized database on environment, occupant, equipment and energy for data mining, rapid prediction and digital operation and maintenance.