The Finnish Energy Observatory

The Finnish Energy Observatory FEnO is a network of experts that aims to address Finland’s most pressing energy challenges related to climate change.

Recent extreme and unusual weather conditions (such as heatwaves) have given rise to the need for coordinated research and policy action at the intersections of energy and climate change. FEnO aims to support evidence-based decision-making for Finland, and the Nordic region more widely, to achieve a clean energy transition without leaving anyone behind, i.e. to ensure the mitigation of social and energy inequalities.


Dr. Harriet Thomson University of Birmingham, UK

Dr Karla Ricalde University of Birmingham, UK

Dr Raúl Castaño-Rosa Tampere University

Dr Sofie Pelsmakers Tampere University

Contact us here

Twitter @EnergyFeno

FEnO has three
overarching objectives


Monitoring and disseminating relevant resources on key energy challenges in Finland (climate change, energy poverty, energy transition and urban development).


Open space for discussion in which experts from Nordic countries will bring together new perspectives to share knowledge and lessons with other EU/non-EU countries.  


Support for action by assisting the public and private sector in Finland, and the Nordic region, to better mitigate energy inequalities.

Policy Brief: Energy & Covid-19 EN / FIN